Game N.3 // Make your house take off!

Stilts? Like at the circus?

Stilts are posts, with various shapes and materials, used to send buildings in the air…

… when the ground is so wet that you need wellies, when there is not enough room, when we want to show of our house…

With tutorial N.3, you are going to discover real buildings and create their stilts !

You can download it there > > >logo-download

Pencils, collage, felt pens, stickers… you can let your imagination go wild!
For example, here are the new stilts we imagined for the Villa Savoye, designed by le Corbusier :pilotis Savoye

As the examples go, you will understand the reasons why architects use this technique…

* 01 : Stilts againts the sides of the building. This is Mies van der Rohe solution for his Farnsworth house.


* 02 : build a platform on stilts first and then build on top of it. That is what Concrete architects did with Rem Island in Amsterdam.


* 03 : Embed the stilts in the whole structure like Architects of Inventions for their community building in Lazika (Georgia).


Have a go now! Tutorial is here : logo-download