Game N.4 // Play with Lyon’s architecture!

Do you know the Opera? The Orange Cube? Or the Customs building in Lyon ?
Have a look at them !

We are fond of Lyon: not only because archihihitects live there. It is as well the town where Grain de Sel, an amazing magazine dedicated to Lyon’s families is cooked up. And guess what: they made an issue just about architecture!



We had a closer look at Lyon’s architecture and prepared something for you to play with…

With tutorial N.4, a printer, a pair of scissors, some glue and your imagination, you are going to play around with those serious buildings by make, undo or mix them !

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We choose 3 examples made out of super simple shapes :


The cylinder, the parallelepiped, and the prism (placed on a parallelepiped). Do you them all already?

You’ll see: even with simple shapes, we can make exciting architecture!


* 01 / the Opera3batiments-opera

Built in1831, French architect Jean Nouvel renovated it and add a roof in shape of half a cylinder.


* 02 / Customs3batiments-douanes

Built in 1930, it has been renovated by French architect Wilmotte in 2007.
Now it contains art galleries, shops and offices.



* 03 / the Orange Cube

Architects Jakob & Mac Farlane designed it in 2010 to host offices, design showroom and a restaurant.
Its orange envelope has big and small holes all.



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Print the models pages on strong (and even coloured) paper and prepare the 6 different volumes.


Now you can pile them up, mix them up to invent new combinations !
